Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Where Impossible is NOTHING

Im.possible!!! Yaps where impossible is nothing, so thats why everything is possible!!! Sekedar info ja, im.possible some addolesents organization which has a same direction in social life.. Yaps, organisasi yang bergerak di bidang social.. Membernya para mahasiswa dari UPH, UNTAR, NTU, BINUS, London School n PU..

Tak tau napa, tiba2 aku ikut im.possible.. Oya, someday my’senior nawarin aku untuk ikut bagi2in celengen, konsep nya seh Kita difasilitasi celengan buat nabung sisa uang jajan kita untuk di sumbangin baksos buat masyarakat araound PU dengan penghasilan rata2 perhari 10.000 untuk menanggung hidup 3-4 orang.. Dengan asumsi satu hari seribu rupiah sampai sebulan period nya.. From first, konsep nya udah menarik hati aku!! Ywdh deh aku siap untuk bantu im.possible.. Dari promosiin ke temen2 supaya ikut berpartisipasi, bagi2in celengen, nge data, ambil balik clengan hingga acara baksos nya.. And aku gag nyesel untuk ikut itu semua, coz it gave me so many advantages that I did not releaze!! *Thanks God for all*

For im.possible, I’ll wait for another event nya!! Im.possible Untuk mu. Kami berbagi. Kami peduli.

Finally, I’m coming home...

After I’ve finished my first final exam, I’m coming home *horrayyy...*. Resting from the daily activity actually as a student where my days filled up with study, assignment, project, quiz and another universities activity. *Hufhhh .... * I’ve got some holiday for refreshing my mind!!! *So happy, bebz...*

Talkin gabout my first final exam at my first year classes. Hope all what I’ve done gonna get what I’ve wanted God.. The highest GPA is one of what I wanted now, getting the highest GPA at first semester will help me in another semester where I will face another hardest subject!! *Huh...*

At last exam, I do really feeling sorry to my Physics Lecturer Mr. Herman. I do really regret coz I didnt review some cases material, where it questioned!! *I’m sorry sir, I did not give my best!!! TT*

Hufh, stopped talking about last final exam!! Now I want to enjoy my short holiday in my beloved hometown!!! Playing with my SHS besties, looking around the city, enjoying Sundanese food that i did not get at there *filled up with chinese food till I felt bored* is what I really wanted...